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Point Reyes Elk and Cow = Good Neighbors
Something there is that doesn't love a wall - Robert Frost

Curious Cow
Supper time on B Ranch.

Dairy cows at water trough
L ranch cows drinking at watertrough

Marin Agricultural Land Trust - working to protect and preserve agriculture in Marin.

Curious Cow
Supper time on B Ranch.
Tule Elk and Point Reyes Cattle Can Live in Peace
Elk Fences Now!
In the northern Point Reyes Peninsula the National Park Service erected 10 foot fences before turning the Elk loose next to some working organic farms. That was 1998. After that herd's population grew exponentially, Park Employees moved a second herd to the area near Limantaur Beach but did not erect a fence. The elk found that eating pasture grass and drinking water from reservoirs the ranchers provided for cattle, much more inviting than foraging near Limantaur. Elk have become poachers. Elk Fences Now
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